In order to meet the needs of the Body of Christ, Living Water has developed several branches of support within the church. The success of each ministry is dependent upon member participation and each member’s life is enhanced by the individual ministries.
Christian Education
Christian Education is organized to reach out, to nurture and educate the church members and community; to sponsor Christian social ministries and to unfold the Word of God by revelation as is the will of God. Part of Christian Education is the Vital Christianity course offered to each new member of Living Water. Shortly after you join Living Water you will be scheduled to participate in the one day class. The topics covered in Vital Christianity are: Salvation, Holy Spirit, Baptism, Fasting, Tithes, (Giving) & Communion. All new members are requested to complete Vital Christianity prior to working in other church ministries.
Men of Valor
The Men’s ministry of Living Water meets once a month, but the fellowship continues every day. The men set aside time to learn, pray, relax and get to know one another. Through the Men of Valor Ministry, men become friends, friends become brothers and brothers lead their families, church and communities in a closer walk with God.
Sisters of Excellence
The Women’s ministry also meets monthly. Sisters of Excellence are committed to helping all women grow spiritually, emotionally and relationally. Through this ministry, love and unity is promoted in order to minister to the needs of women.
Youth Ministry
The Youth ministry is designed specifically for teens and pre-teens and gives the youth the opportunity to experience the love of God in a fun and educational environment with events they help plan.
God gives us many talents and gifts to be utilized to edify the Body of Christ. Living Water has several ministries that would be blessed by your participation and you will surely find them to be a joyful experience in your life.
Upon completion of the Vital Christianity course, you will receive information on how to be an active part of the ministries you feel led to be a part of. Listed below is a sampling of the active ministries at Living Water.
Evangelism Team
Culinary Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Usher Board
Golden Jubilee Senior Ministry
Flag Ministry
Praise Dancers